- Red Hot Arts Central Australia
- Henley-On-Todd Regatta (Alice Springs)
- Yeperenye Corporation (Indigenous owned)
- Mirndiyan Gununa (Mornington Island)
- Country Arts SA
- Regional Arts Australia
- Punctum Inc. (Live Arts)
- Biennale Jogja
- Australian Network for Art and Technlogy (ANAT)
- Kunci Cultural Studies, Jogjakarta
- Cemeti Arthouse Jogjakarta
- Papermoon Puppet Theatre Jogjakarta
- Contact Inc.
- Yirra Yaakin
- Lir Shop Yogyakarta
- NPY Women’s Council
- Country Arts WA
- Ngaanyatjarra Health
- Quaker Service Australia
- Wanarn Remote Indigenous School,
- Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts
- Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department
- Warakurna Artists
- Kayili Artists
- Young People And the Arts (YPAA)
- Papalunkutja Artists (Blackstone WA)
- Wilurarra Creative
- Artplay, city of Melbourne, Australia.
- backtobacktheatre.com
- The Snuff Puppets
- Yang Ming Oceanic Culture and Art Museum, Tawian
- The Village Festival (Victoria)
- The Tasmania Circus Festival
- The Dream Community, Taiwan
- Whitestreetproject, Victoria.
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