by Ben Fox | Jun 30, 2015 | Collaboration, Culture, Making, Tech, Uncategorized
As a member of the Regional Development Australia Goldfields-Esperance Committee, I have been asked to judge Govhack Perth at SpaceCubed. Govhack 2015 runs 3 – 5th July. From “GovHack is an annual open data competition held all over...
by Ben Fox | Jun 12, 2015 | Collaboration, Culture, Event Design, Ideas, Live Art, Making
In a great example of applied event design this collaboration with Tim and Tendai of Original IT to produced the ” Goldfields’ 1st ever digital event, MineCrux” in March 2015. As event designer and MC I had a great time, despite having to MC in a...
by Ben Fox | Nov 5, 2013 | Art, Culture, Ideas, Making
A short train-ride up the Hudson is an incredible visual art and sculpture museum Dia:Beacon presents Dia Art Foundation’s collection from the 1960’s to the present as well as special exhibitions, new commissions, and public and education programs. The space is really...
by Ben Fox | Oct 30, 2013 | Art, Culture, Ideas, Live Art, Making
This is a real estate developer driven event. The aim is to raise the profile of an area that is a good location but has been not so dynamic for a long time. The focus is street-art and live art that takes place over a few days. The usually quiet streets become a...
by Ben Fox | Aug 15, 2013 | Art, Collaboration, Culture, Fashion, Ideas, Live Art, Making, Peer Learning
As the first stop on Kate Fielding’s Churchill Fellowship Kate and I joined “Queering Hair” a wonderful live art project in Edinburgh coordinated by Richard Houguez. After the break is more info’ from the Live Art Development Agency website on...
by Ben Fox | Jul 30, 2013 | Art, Asia, BestDressed, Collaboration, Culture, Fashion, Ideas, Making, Social Media
“Australian Arts in Asia Awards The Australian Arts in Asia Awards celebrate the important role Australian artists and arts organisations play in enhancing Australia’s relationship with Asia. The Awards recognise, celebrate and promote the significant...