In a great example of applied event design this collaboration with Tim and Tendai of Original IT to produced the " Goldfields' 1st ever digital event, MineCrux" in March 2015. As...
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Landscapes of the future present.
I’m going to type very fast here as the opening of the 2014 Regional Arts Australia Summit is almost a real thing. It’s been made almost real by the many inspirational, talented and...
Summit Artistic Director’s welcome
I’m very happy to welcome you to my hometown of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, on Wongatha land. I love living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Goldfields for many reasons, including the layers of...
Wonderful crowd sourced and collaborative fire recovery study
I found this wonderful fire recovery study via Twitter the other day via @Samsamum. It's a wonderful example of crowd sourcing and collaborative creative practice. I particularly...
#KBVID brings Hannan St Alive
Thanks Rebecca Brewen @BecBrewin for the pics from this article on #KBVID (Kalgoorlie Boulder VideoClip)
Arts & Edges Highlights Launch and early bird open.
The Arts & Edges highlights launch was a huge success! The response has been overwhelming and positive. We had so much web traffic our site was temporarily overloaded. You can...