by Ben Fox | Jan 28, 2013 | Art, Culture, Press, RAA2014
Article From The GoldFields-Esperance Development Commission: Kalgoorlie-Boulder to host 2014 National Regional Arts Conference Tina Bryce, Debbie Carmody, Kalgoorlie Mayor Ron Yurjevich, GEDC CEO Robert Hicks, Trevor Jamieson and Jennifer Renee at the Goolwa...
by Ben Fox | Jan 28, 2013 | Art, Peer Learning, Press
ArtsHub just published a very postive article about my appointment as AD to a very exctiting project. The 2014 Regional Australia Biennale in Kalgoorlie. Ben Fox returns to Australia from Indonesia to take on the role of artistic director for the most...
by Ben Fox | Oct 22, 2011 | Culture, Publication, Social Media, Tech
In remote communities access to the Internet is particularly powerful. For example, farmers have access to the same weather forecasting data as the Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM). Indigenous Arts Centres can send photos of their work to a gallery instantly and receive an...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Culture, Meta-Meta Project, Press, Publication
In a space shared by two or more cultures there can be created intercultural space. Participating cultures form and communicate, tolerate, compromise, collaborate and explore ambiguities. This is different and distinct from cross-cultural communication that occurs...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Culture, Publication
Diversity and Oppotunity Simon Crean stated in his speech in October 2011 on diversification and opportunity: “With economies around the world in transition, diversification holds the key. Diversification is the challenge of our time. Diversification unlocks...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Publication
Digital cultures, the Internet, replication and copying systems allow clear manifestations of the concept that wonderful things can come from intercultural practices and frameworks. If we use an intercultural framework in National Cultural Policy and discussions,...