by Ben Fox | Sep 30, 2014 | Art, BestDressed, Collaboration, Culture, Fashion, Ideas, Live Art, RAA2014, Uncategorized
I’m going to type very fast here as the opening of the 2014 Regional Arts Australia Summit is almost a real thing. It’s been made almost real by the many inspirational, talented and creative folks I have been working with for the past 2 years in my role as Artistic...
by Ben Fox | Sep 1, 2014 | Art, Ideas, Press, RAA2014
I’m very happy to welcome you to my hometown of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, on Wongatha land. I love living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Goldfields for many reasons, including the layers of heritage, the striking landscape, the energetic creative industries and the feeling...
by Ben Fox | May 20, 2014 | Art, Culture, Fashion, Ideas, Live Art, RAA2014, Social Media
Thanks Rebecca Brewen @BecBrewin for the pics from this article on #KBVID (Kalgoorlie Boulder VideoClip)
by Ben Fox | May 2, 2014 | Art, Ideas, RAA2014
The Arts & Edges highlights launch was a huge success! The response has been overwhelming and positive. We had so much web traffic our site was temporarily overloaded. You can register early here Stream the launch videos here ( you just need to give email and name...
by Ben Fox | Apr 21, 2014 | Art, RAA2014, Social Media
Anthony Gormley’s inside Australia is iconic. One of the most unforgettable pieces of art in Australia, it is also one of the most inaccessible. Getting there is a half day drive (no public transport) from the Western Australian regional town Kalgoorlie-Boulder...
by Ben Fox | Oct 16, 2013 | Art, Culture, Ideas, RAA2014, Uncategorized
One year from today the doors will open to the Regional Arts Australia Summit in Kalgoorlie. A year before today in Goolwa, scented smoke drifted across the waters of the mouth of the mighty Murray river as the Ngarrindjeri nation welcomed us to their land. The 2012...