by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Culture, Publication, Social Media, Tech
Australia is not just an island nation, Australia is a nation of islands in a neighborhood of Oceanic nations including Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and other Pacific nations too numerous to mention here. Within Australia, travel between our...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Art, Culture, Ideas, Publication, Social Media, Tech
Goal 2:To encourage the use of emerging technologies and new ideas that support the development of new artworks and the creative industries and that enable more people to access and participate in arts and culture. The people of Australia live, breath, swim in the...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Publication, Tech
By increasing information-flow at a location, we can now change time, space, and value. Information has quality, reliability and also flow-rate. 3G wireless cell-phone Internet access may be relatively high-flow, but low reliability, as it can drop out from peak use...
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Publication, Social Media, Tech
Cloud computing is the delivery of computing with shared resources, software, and information that are provided as a utility or service through the Internet. Many of us use cloud computing daily for example when we check our web-mail online, or use a search engine....
by Ben Fox | Oct 21, 2011 | Culture, Ideas, Publication, Social Media, Tech
Why high information-flow is changing the relative value of regions and locations and how National Cultural Policy can take this into account. Our societies are forming in new ways. The ability to communicate remotely in real-time changes things. Space, community and...